Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Documentary - Latcho Drom Essays - Indo-Aryan Peoples, Free Essays
Documentary - Latcho Drom Essays - Indo-Aryan Peoples, Free Essays Documentary - Latcho Drom Moiz Bhinderwala Westford, MA A. In one paragraph describe the subjects of the documentary. Tell who they are, where the live, and why the film was made. Through the bittersweet music of the Gypsies, or Roms, and striking photography of India, Egypt, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, France, and Spain, Latcho Drom does just what it sets out to do: evoke both the sorrow and the joy of this nomadic people, whose strong sense of community and tradition enables them to survive their treatment as outcasts. This documentary gives a panoramic view of the extraordinary variety of the Rom's songs, music and dances in more than eight countries. It captures the resilient perseverance of the Gypsies through years of persecution and poverty. The treasures of Gypsy heritage throughout the world, from India to Spain, make up an exceptional musical palette Since leaving ancient India around the year AD 1000 on their westward journey, the Gypsies have constantly contributed to our cultural life in a multitude of ways. Scapegoats of our sedentary world, targets of the most primitive social rejection or the most rabid literary or cinematographic romanticism, they pursue their quest far from our technological and social upheaval. The Gypsies live a constant paradox: in spite of their refusal to be integrated, they have become the (sometimes exclusive) repository of the culture of the country they inhabit. Throwing tradition and fashion to the wind, the Gypsies have always used their versatility and sense of improvisation to adapt their musical style to others they discover during their travels. Each time traces of the previous country mark them as foreigners who stick out amid their now hosts. The director, Tony Galtif himself is a descendant of the Rom tribe. In this documentary is his effort to create a dazzling musical and anthology of this forgotten culture. Mixture of good and evil: In the scene where a small boy and his mother are waiting at a railway station, the director tries to bring out the belief of the Rom people about human nature being good. In that scene, the boy offers a small amount of money to one of the Rom musicians to play him a song, the musician laughs at the boy, takes the money and puts it back into the boys pocket, and then plays music for the boy for free. His group joins in, and they play delightful music for the small boy. This is a really touching scene, I thought. On the other hand, the gypsies through their songs and music, depict their history. A history which has always been stained with sadness. The gypsies have been persecuted wherever they went, they were never considered part of any society other than their own. The gypsies strongly curse their fate, and show their unhappiness towards these societies of people who have never given them any acceptance. Man subjugated by nature: The gypsies sing of their history, with a sad tone. They believe it is their fate to be wanderers. They strongly resent this fate, because it has brought with it sadness. Life demands to have at least some constants, but in the lives of this gypsies, the only constant is their change, their journey to a new place. Over these years, not much has changed about their life, they are still persecuted. This has lead to the strong fortification of the belief that they have little control over their fate, and that they cannot surpass the conditions that this life has set for them. Present Oriented: This is a particularly striking feature of their culture. The very fact that they are constantly on the move, travelling from one place to another, clearly highlights their strong faith in the importance of the present. They live in the present, since they are not aware of what the future has in store for them, they dont plan their lives for future needs, the way we do. At the same time, they associate their life also with their past, their history, their traditional values. Their songs of history bring out their sad past Growing: The gypsies are excellent musicians. Being a musician means constantly choosing between two options: either acting as the fierce guardian angel of a given musical style, or using
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Pandillas como MS-13 y leyes migratorias de EE.UU.
Pandillas como MS-13 y leyes migratorias de EE.UU. Ser miembro de una pandilla como la MS-13 o la Mara Salvatrucha, o incluso la simple sospecha de pertenencia actual o pasada causa problemas migratorios gravà simos para todos los extranjeros presentes en el paà s. Por su gran impacto migratorio, este artà culo informa sobre quà © es una pandilla, conocida tambià ©n como mara, cà ³mo las autoridades migratorias obtienen informacià ³n sobre quià ©n es o puede ser pandillero, cules son las consecuencias migratorias y quà © se puede hacer si se tienen problemas por esta razà ³n. à ¿Quà © se considera que es una pandilla o mara? No hay una definicià ³n legal à ºnica sobre quà © es una pandilla. Sin embargo, el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), del que dependen organismos migratorios como ICE y USCIS, considera que una pandilla es una asociacià ³n formal o informal de tres o ms personas que tiene como uno de sus principales objetivos cometer uno o ms delitos. Es decir, una mara no tiene que ser una organizacià ³n grande y conocida como la Mara Salvatrucha, la MS-13 o los Latin Kings. à ¿Cà ³mo saben las autoridades migratorias que un migrante es pandillero? Las autoridades migratorias consultan una o varias bases de datos que incluyen informacià ³n sobre las personas que pertenecen a alguna de esas organizaciones o de quienes se sospecha que tienen algà ºn tipo de afiliacià ³n con las mismas o, incluso, quienes pertenecieron en el pasado. Entre la informacià ³n que se registra en las bases de datos se encuentran los nombres de los pandilleros, apodos, direccià ³n, descripcià ³n fà sica y marcas, como por ejemplo lunares o cicatrices, tatuajes, nacionalidad, identificacià ³n de la pandilla a la que pertenecen o con la que se sospecha que estn afiliados y posicià ³n dentro de la misma. Entre las bases de datos ms utilizadas destaca GangNet. Se sabe que la utilizan al menos el FBI, ICE - la agencia encargada de ejecutar las leyes migratorias- , 14 estados y el Distrito de Columbia. En 2016, ICE dejà ³ de utilizar ICEGangs y ahora busca informacià ³n sobre posibles pandilleros en la citada GangNet y en otras bases de datos como, ICM, EID y FALCON. Adems, estados, condados o ciudades pueden tener sus propias bases de datos para este fin. Una de las ms completas es CalGang, a la cual aà ±aden informacià ³n todos los departamentos de policà a del estado de California. Se da por hecho entre los abogados migratorios que el Departamento de Seguridad Interna, del cual dependen ICE y USCIS, tiene acceso a la informacià ³n que contienen muchas de esas bases de datos locales o estatales, pero se desconoce el alcance de la colaboracià ³n. à ¿Cà ³mo se incluye una persona en una base de datos sobre pandillas o maras? Segà ºn el Centro de Recursos Legales Migratorios (ILRC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), el nombre de una persona puede incluirse en una base de datos sobre pertenencia o afiliacià ³n con maras en cuatro situaciones. En primer lugar, como resultado de la investigacià ³n de un delito. En segundo lugar, por lo que se declara cuando se est en custodia de la policà a. En tercer lugar, por condena en un juicio y, en cuarto lugar, como consecuencia de lo que un agente anota durante lo que se conoce como una entrevista de campo (field interview, en inglà ©s). En este contexto, debe entenderse como una entrevista de campo una interaccià ³n entre un pandillero o sospecho de serlo y un agente de la policà a que tiene lugar en un vecindario de una ciudad con un alto à ndice de presencia pandillera. Cada estado establece sus propias reglas para determinar cundo el agente puede incluir a una persona en una base de datos de pandillas, por lo que es imposible brindar reglas generales. Sin embargo, en California, donde la presencia pandillera es notable, la ley permite la inclusià ³n de una persona en CalGang si cumple al menos dos de los siguientes requisitos: Ha reconocido pertenecer a una maraHa sido arrestada en compaà ±Ã a de personas conocidas como pandillerosHa sido identificada como miembro de una pandilla por un informanteExhibe sà mbolos o gestos manuales propios de pandillasTiene tatuajes propios de pandillasFrecuenta lugares en los que se reà ºnen las pandillasViste ropa que se identifica con una determinada mara Como consecuencia de la laxitud de los requisitos para ser incluido en una base de datos sobre pandillas, entre los defensores de los migrantes se argumenta que muchas de las personas incluidas en las mismas no son, en realidad, pandilleros. Adems, cuando una persona est detenida en una crcel o prisià ³n no migratoria frecuentemente se registra su afiliacià ³n con una pandilla - verificada o presunta- para evitar colocar en el mismo mà ³dulo carcelario a miembros de distintas organizaciones. Asimismo, agencias migratorias como la Policà a Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) e ICE tambià ©n registran si una persona es sospechosa de pertenecer a pandillas e incluso agencias privadas que gestionan crceles migratorias, como CCA y GEO, tambià ©n realizan esta clase de anotaciones. Por otro lado, hay que tener en consideracià ³n que cada jurisdiccià ³n establece las reglas sobre si es obligatorio notificar a una persona que ha sido incluida en alguna de dichas bases de datos o registros sobre pertenencia a pandillas, por lo que en muchos casos el interesado no sabe que su nombre ha sido incluido. Una vez que el nombre ha sido incluido, es muy difà cil sacarlo de la base de datos. Estar incluido en una base de datos de maras, à ¿cà ³mo afecta a los asuntos migratorios? La pertenencia a pandillas se considera, desde el punto de vista migratorio, como una amenaza a la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos, lo cual significa que si un migrante es calificado como tal, tiene un problema migratorio gravà simo. Hay que destacar distintas situaciones. En primer lugar, si una persona extranjera est detenida por Inmigracià ³n y se sabe o sospecha que es miembro de una pandilla como los Latin King, MS-13 o Mara Salvatrucha, no va a obtener una fianza o, si la obtuviese, va a ser por un monto muy alto. Adems, se inicia un procedimiento de deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n en su contra. No cabe duda de que la pertenencia actual o pasada a una pandilla o mara es causa prioritaria de deportacià ³n. En el caso de migrantes no detenidos que solicitan un beneficio migratorio, como un ajuste de estatus, por ejemplo, DACA para jà ³venes indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os o la visa U para và ctimas de violencia, dicho beneficio puede ser negado y, de hecho, eso es lo que sucede en la mayorà a de los casos. La denegacià ³n del beneficio migratorio puede deberse porque se pregunta especà ficamente en el formulario de aplicacià ³n sobre pertenencia a pandillas y, en caso de que asà sea, se aplica lo que se conoce como causa de inadmisibilidad (a)(3)(B) que da lugar a que no se pueda estar en EE.UU. y se inicie un proceso de deportacià ³n. En otros casos en los que no se se realiza esa pregunta, como es el caso de los formularios de DACA, el beneficio ser negado casi siempre porque el oficial del USCIS tiene el poder discrecional de decidir si aprueba el beneficio que se solicita y, en el caso de los pandilleros, la regla general es no aprobarlo. à ¿Quà © se puede hacer cuando un migrante es sospechoso de pandillero? Estos son casos muy delicados y que deben ser siempre tratados en confidencialidad con un abogado que tenga experiencia en este tipo de casos y que conozca las reglas y reglamentos del estado respecto a pandillas y bases de datos. Si una persona extranjera se ha movido en cà rculos pandilleros, aunque no haya pertenecido a ninguna pandilla o si realmente ha tenido membresà a en alguna de ellas, deberà a consultar con un abogado antes de solicitar cualquier tipo de beneficio migratorio, ya que podrà a estar provocando el inicio de un proceso de deportacià ³n en su contra. Es importante que el abogado conozca si el estado est obligado a comunicar la inclusià ³n de una persona en la base de datos. En el caso de que se produzca dicha comunicacià ³n, se debe contratar a un abogado para que intente apelar y borrar el nombre del migrante de dicha base de datos. Si se vive en una jurisdiccià ³n donde la autoridad no est obligada a notificar la inclusià ³n de una persona en un registro de maras, es importante que el abogado intente recabar esa informacià ³n indirectamente. Por ejemplo, solicitando rà ©cords de posibles arrestos, de oficiales de libertad condicional o parole o, incluso, de high school, ya que en muchas escuelas se realizan anotaciones sobre posible pertenencia a pandillas de los estudiantes. Puntos clave Las pandillas o maras son consideradas una amenaza a la seguridad de EE.UU.Membresà a o sospecha de pertenencia a pandillas es causa de problemas migratorios graves.Existen varias bases de datos de pandilleros. Es posible estar en una sin saberlo. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sustainable tourism practice and planning Essay
Sustainable tourism practice and planning - Essay Example It attracts over six hundred thousand visitors every year (Dale and Oliver, 2005:42). There are other tourist attraction sites such as national parks, landscapes, and many castles around Wales. All these and many others warrants this paper a closer insight into tourism practices and plans that can bring out sustainability to a wider group of Welsh inhabitants. Wales has three national parks namely Pembroke shire Coast National Park, Snowdonia National Park, and Brecon Beacons National Park. Presence of these national parks contributes to tones of positive effects of tourism into the countryââ¬â¢s social, economic, and political as well as cultural related results. This paper will give a critical outlook into the positive and negative impacts of tourism basing the analysis on Pembroke shire Coast National Park as the destination of my choice. To begin with, tourism creates employment opportunities for many local people bordering the Pembroke shire Coast National Park. Documented ev idence shows that, in 2002, the country received over eight million tourists who led to the creation of 100,000-service sector jobs an amount, which is more than 8 percent of the countryââ¬â¢s total workforce (Pitchford, 2008: 113-115). In addition, Cardiff, which is the capital city of Wales, is another tourist attraction site. ... Every national park in Wales has an authority ensuring operations of the site are in good terms. Each authority has two statutory purposes that resolve to enhancement and conservation of the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and wildlife in the area. Additionally, the authority operates purposefully to promote publicââ¬â¢s enjoyment and understanding opportunities of the parkââ¬â¢s special qualities. By participating in these duties, national park authorities promote cultural awareness and foster social well being of their communities. Cognitively, the government uses the income generated form tourism to develop local infrastructure (Dwyer and Forsyth, 2006: 326). It spends the money on developing new roads and airports. Due to growth of touristsââ¬â¢ adventurous activities and special interests holidays, the business has led to a wide range of offerings and accommodation services. This business investment structure has not only led to sports and outdoor activities, but als o resulted to improved education, health, crafts, and other social benefits to the locals of Pembroke shire. Tourists bring in foreign currency. This foreign currency can help locals by improving their social standards of living. It helps provide clean water and sanitation services. As such, the livelihoods of the local people transform significantly. Tourism industry is an important national economic booster as it plays a key role in shaping the economic factors leading to its improvement. It rolls out both environmental and landscape shapes of the communities around Pembroke shire national park. Tourism is the lifeline for the majority of businesses in most communities
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Answer movie question and summary article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answer movie question and summary article - Essay Example Q5: I do believe that working in mutual trust is possible, however I do feel that some amount of fear is required to keep the Government working on its toes. This is imperative so that none of the participants in the democracy cross their moral boundary line. Q6: The ordinary people did absolutely the right thing by marching along the explosion, which took place courtesy V. This was something, which was required to be done as the people needed to be woken against the tyranny of the Government, and they did the right thing by waking up. Q7: I agree with the analogy of V that ideas are always bulletproof. Ideas are alive. A man can die but his idea lives on, and any one can reignite an idea and make it work according to the current level of situation in the place. Q8: This was a beautiful movie and the scene where V surfaces on public television giving his sermon of revolution to the people is the best scene for me. This was not a crazy comic flick as it made absolute total sense with respect to the situation prevailing in the society as of today. Q9: Vââ¬â¢s quest for justice is absolutely justified by the means he adopted. I agree with the way he decided to blast the Parliament to tell the people that there is something very wrong with the way the tyrannical Government is functioning and something about it had to be done. The article written by the writer compares the Movie V for Vendetta with the philosophical ideology of Hobbs and looks at it from the perspective of psychological fear. The writer starts by saying that the movie defies in the way that Hobbs has been trying to portray his thinking of philosophy of morality, the idea of right and wrong and the means adopted to fulfill the quest for the people and to do the right thing. In the essay, the writer has posed certain questions and challenges on the theory adopted by Hobbs. Hobbs has said that morality should be the ultimate truth in everyoneââ¬â¢s life, and one
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause Essay Example for Free
The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause Essay Point of View There are two points of view. One view is from the Simon (the vampire), and the other is from Zoà «, the girl whose mother is dying of cancer. Zoe is having a really hard time dealing with her motherââ¬â¢s sickness, especially since her father has become more and more distant as his wife gets sicker and sicker. Zoe is feeling like she has nowhere to turn, especially when she finds out her best friend is moving far away. Then she meets a very mysterious pale boy, and she feels like she can trust him. Perhaps he even needs someone like she needs someone. Simon, on the other hand, has been a vampire for hundreds of years. He is on the search for his brother, Christopher, who made him a vampire. Christopher was horrifyingly brutal and he killed their mother, which has made him Simons sworn enemy. Simon has been trying for most of his afterlife to find and kill Christopher for good, and he has finally tracked his brother to the town where Zoe lives. Once there, though, he finds himself drawn to Zoes loneliness. Before long, he is confiding in her and feeling compassion for the first time in a very long time. Setting in time and place The setting was more on a contemporary period, most usually at Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s house and the hospital, at time when her mother is dying of cancer. However, flashbacks of past centuries bring back Simonââ¬â¢s memories of his mother. The setting blooms more about the understanding of love and how it blends no matted how different two beings might be. List all main characters and a brief description of each Zoà « ââ¬â The 16-year-old girl whose mother is dying of cancer. Simon has been a vampire for hundreds of years. He is on the search for his brother, Christopher, who made him a vampire. Zoà «Ã¢â¬â¢s mother ââ¬â terminally ill, she is dying because of cancer. A brief plot summary 16-year-old Zoà « is faced with the reality that her mother is dying of cancer. When she meets the mysterious and handsome Simon, she feel he can understand her pain better than anyone else has. As Zoà «s life goes from bad to worse, Simon becomes her one true support. Conflict There is something very creepy about the pale young man. The question and conflict is will that creepy something (that is, the fact that Simon is a vampire) force the two apart? Theme How odd or incomparable two hearts may seem, love will always make them perfect for each other.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nonbelief as Support for Atheism Essay -- Religion Atheist God Papers
Nonbelief as Support for Atheism The Canadian philosopher J.L. Schellenberg has recently put forward an argument for atheism based on the idea that God is supposed to be perfectly loving and so would not permit people to be deprived of awareness of his existence. If such a deity were to exist, then, he would do something to reveal his existence clearly to people, thereby causing them to become theists. Thus, the fact that there are so many non-theists in the world becomes good reason to deny the existence of God conceived of in the given way. I first raise objections to Schellenbergââ¬â¢s formulation of the argument and then suggest some improvements. My main improvement is to include among the divine attributes the property of strongly desiring humanityââ¬â¢s love. Since to love God requires at least believing that he exists, if God were to exist, he must want widespread theistic belief. The fact that so many people lack such belief becomes a good argument for atheism with respect to God conceived of in the g iven way. Some objections to this line of reasoning are considered, in particular the claim that God refrains from revealing himself to people in order to avoid interfering with their free will or to avoid eliciting inappropriate responses from them or some other (unknown) purpose. An attempt is made to refute each of these objections. Atheism of a certain sort can be supported by appeal to the existence of widespread nonbelief in God. This is shown by a Canadian philosopher, J. L. Schellenberg, in his book Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason. His argument is as follows: (1) If there is a God, he is perfectly loving. (2) If a perfectly loving God exists, reasonable nonbelief does not occur. (3) [But] reasonable nonbelief... ...tween weak and strong arguments, I would give it a score of seventy-five. (Of course, that figure would be reduced for theists who answer only one of the questions affirmatively, and it would be zero for theists in general, apart from the survey questions.) ANB may not prove conclusively that God does not exist, but it does render that result likely. It presents good support for a certain form of atheism and a serious challenge for theists which they have yet to overcome. Notes (1) J. L. Schellenberg, Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993), p. 83. (2) Ibid., pp. 47-57. (3) Daniel Howard-Snyder, "The Argument from Divine Hiddenness," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (1996), pp. 433-453, followed by J. L. Schellenberg, "Response to Howard-Snyder," pp. 455-462. (4) Ibid., p. 460. (5) Divine Hiddenness, p. 211.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kate Chopin Essay
Who comes to mind when the term ââ¬Å"American authorâ⬠is mentioned? A lot of female authors of today would say Kate Chopin, one of the most independent writers of the nineteenth century. Although Kate Chopin didnââ¬â¢t live to see her work re-published, she is an important author to study because her stories are influential, her ambition arouses her readers, and her point of view supports independent women. Unlike most of the women during her time period, Chopin didnââ¬â¢t agree on letting the men be in control. After a couple of her stories were published in Vogue Magazine, like ââ¬Å"Desireeââ¬â¢s Babyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"A Pair of Silk Stockingsâ⬠, people began to start liking Chopinââ¬â¢s short stories (Powell). Vogue had even quoted how they ââ¬Å"admired her brains and beautyâ⬠(Powell). It wasnââ¬â¢t until Chopin decided to give more of her belief of independence and write her first novel ââ¬Å"The Awakeningâ⬠for people of that time to start disliking her. Publishers cited what they considered ââ¬Å"promotion of female self-assertion and sexual liberationâ⬠(Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Libraries banned Chopin and her friends shunned her as her reputation started to fall. Kate Chopin may influence women today, but during her social period she wasnââ¬â¢t looked upon by many. Born into a prominent St. Louis family, Chopin was influenced by her mother and great-grandmother after the death of her father. Her family descended from French-Creole pioneers and that also influenced her to be involved with music, school, and arts (Kate Chopin: The Awakening, The Storm, Stories, Biography). Chopin graduated from a convent school at age seventeen (Kate Chopin). In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin, who was also Creole descent, and they had six children. His death in 1883 was when Kate Chopin decided to become more serious about writing (Kate Chopin). She sold all the land her and her husband owned and moved back to St. Louis with her mother. Family friends who found her letters entertaining encouraged her to ââ¬Å"write professionallyâ⬠(Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Chopin started writing short stories and eventually began having her stories published in periodicals. Popular American periodicals published Kate Chopin, such as America, Vogue, and the Atlantic (Powell). Her collections ââ¬Å"Bayou Folkâ⬠and ââ¬Å"A Night in Acadieâ⬠made her reputation grow as an important colorist at the time (Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Chopin started writing about her husbandââ¬â¢s death and her response to it. After trying to publish ââ¬Å"The Awakeningâ⬠she was immediately rejected because during the time it wasnââ¬â¢t appropriate. The novel subjected as female sexuality and adultery (Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Her reputation declined greatly after that and Chopin wanted to give up on writing all together. Now that all her work is republished, people find it very inspiring, especially women. Critics today say that ââ¬Å"her work is focused on the pioneering use of psychological realism, symbolic imagery, and sensual themesâ⬠(Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). A large amount of female writers today are encouraged by Chopinââ¬â¢s short stories, novels, and essays. One of Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s most famous short stories is ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠. The main character, Mrs. Mallard finds out her husband just died. She didnââ¬â¢t hear the bad news the same as most widows would have. Finally she could do what she wanted without anyone else telling her what to do, is the way she saw it. She was still young with a pretty face and she wanted to show it off. She kept whispering ââ¬Å"free, body and soul freeâ⬠(Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening). Mrs. Mallard started planning the days ahead of her. All of those days would be her own days to live by. As she opened the door to jump straight to all her new opportunities, there stood Mr. Mallard. Mrs. Mallard fell over, when the doctor came he said she had died of a heart disease. She enjoyed feeling independent and it when she found out it could no longer be she collapsed. Although ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠didnââ¬â¢t have a happily ever after ending, Kate Chopin showed her true meaning of the short story by using symbolism, comparison, and assertiveness (Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). When Mr. Mallard died it was symbolic for Oscar Chopin, and how Kate herself felt as a woman afterwards. After the death, the story describes Mrs. Mallard looking out the window and everything looks like thereââ¬â¢s more freedom, which is also symbolic for herself having more freedom without her husband telling her what to do. Chopin uses comparison in her stories to show her readers what sheââ¬â¢s been through and prove independence is important. In ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, not only did the authorââ¬â¢s and Mrs. Mallardââ¬â¢s husbands die, but they have the same attitude about the situation (Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening). Chopin uses comparison with the character and herself to show what she really means and make it easier to describe the theme. Kate Chopin is most known for her assertiveness in this particular story and without it she may not be as well known today. She spoke her feelings and true meanings through this action and thatââ¬â¢s what led her to be so independent. Chopin knew people would frown upon this quality, but it was honesty. During the time Kate Chopin tried publishing her work, the morals were different than they are now. Her stories, to a lot of people, are very influential. Commentators have noted that ââ¬Å"her influence on later feminist writing and consider her a major American short story writerâ⬠(Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Her work encourages people to stand up for what they believe in, regardless of what people think of them for doing so. Also to let her readers feel freedom and that everyone is equal. A handful of her short stories have the same plot and story, but they all have different meanings in which influence writers today to strive for what they believe in. After ââ¬Å"The Awakeningâ⬠, people believed that it aroused the readers. Chopin didnââ¬â¢t intentionally want for this to happen, but she wasnââ¬â¢t like most women of that time. Short story after short story, her work became more visual and exciting. Of course during her time no one liked it, but now the excitement in her stories makes one of the most important qualities. At the time, it was different from anything anyone has ever read. A womanââ¬â¢s freedom, which so many people took the wrong way, was a huge difference and conflict at the time (Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Many say she ââ¬Å"broke a new ground of literatureâ⬠(Powell). Itââ¬â¢s Chopinââ¬â¢s inspiring excitement that arouses her readers and makes them want to come back for more. Most of what has been written about Kate Chopin is feminist in nature or is focused on womenââ¬â¢s positions in society (Powell). The late 19th century, no women were independent. Kate Chopin took a stand and thatââ¬â¢s all she wrote about. After her husbandââ¬â¢s death, she feels like she has more freedom and independence. Someone not telling her what to do all the time; what sheââ¬â¢s been wanting so badly. Her work helps women recognize the consequences of action, and helps them find individual freedom (Kate Chopin: The Awakening, The Storm, Stories, Biography). Female writers look up to her greatly because of how she was able to take a stand and speak her mind, without caring what people thought of her. She was one of the first women in her century to write outspoken fiction literature, revolting against tradition and authority (Chopin, Kate ââ¬â Introduction). Chopinââ¬â¢s highly respected as a writer through the understanding of all the complications to get her word out for woman independence (Powell). Through her influential stories, ambition, and support of independent women, she became an inspiring American author. It mayââ¬â¢ve took society half a century to grasp what Kate Chopin accomplished, but now she is finally known as a strong independent woman, and thatââ¬â¢s all she wanted to be known for.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The review of the Documentary: The Corporation
The Corporation is a Canadian documentary film, which appeared in 2003. The movie is based on the book ââ¬Å"The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Powerâ⬠by Joel Bakan. Filmmaking team, which consists of Jennifer Abbott, Joel Bakan and Mark Achbar, has produced a nice combination of documentary movie presented in an unusual way. It explores origins, development and present state of corporation. The authors of the film study the impact corporations have on the modern society in general and individual people in particular. The film presents unprejudiced view on such mega corporations as McDonaldââ¬â¢s, Coca-Cola, IBM and Nike. Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman and Noam Chomsky, respected economists and Noble prize-winners, express their views on the impact of corporation.à They make a good deal showing true appearance of corporations and influence they have on average people. This is the type of the movie, which makes people think and imagine possible consequences of the activities of the corporations we now perceive as an inevitable part of our life. Sharp critics in the movie do not only express the opinion of the authors. Much data and statistics presented in the movie prove that facts given there are not a fruit of the authorsââ¬â¢ imagination. The film explores an important problem and those, who care about their own future and future of their children, should be aware of the facts given there. The authors of the movie treat corporations as separate individuals and judge their deeds accordingly. Watching things from such a perspective gives the audience a better understanding of the harm committed by the corporations to the society. Specific examples help to create necessary effect. Originally, corporation was created by the government and possessed specific functions. In modern world corporations possess legal rights same as individuals do. Such equality was primary initiated by the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, which gave corporations or time-limited entities same rights as individuals. Such a decision has had a long-lasting effect including misuse or even abuse of monopoly, additional political influence and many others. The authors try to analyze corporations using criteria of modern psychology, such as DSM-IV, Robert Hareââ¬â¢s and other evaluation criteria.à They treat world-famous corporations as psychopaths. American corporations become the object of scrupulous attention. All the results show that if treated like a person, a corporation would have serious personality disorders. Corporations are estimated in regard to their ââ¬Å"serial behaviorsâ⬠with the help of a ââ¬Å"Personality Diagnostic Checklist.â⬠Those, who organize an experiment find such things of disorders as manipulation, lying, paying no attention to the needs of other people and many others, which modern psychologists associate with psychopathic individuals. It is worth to mention that experiment is made by true psychologists and it means that their diagnosis can be trusted. Theoretical basis of the movie gives a lot of exact data and statistics. This helps the audience to make their own conclusions concerning the problem. Long theorizing can be boring at times but the authors did their best in order not to miss any important information, which would be able to influence peopleââ¬â¢s opinion. The authors use strong arguments in order to prove their thesis. At the same time The Corporation uses entertaining techniques and has things, which can attract audience and entertain it. Exploring on of the most influential models of modern time, the authors of the film are far from abstract rhetoric and pathetic claims. Great number of commentators, who express their opinion on the subject, make an impression of professional and deep investigation performed by the authors. à In addition to serious investigation and opinion of qualified specialists, wit and humorous narration style helps to avoid dullness. Computer graphics create additional visionary effects and adds special charm to the film. Irony, wit and humor help the authors of the movie to express their main idea ââ¬â à to shed light to such important questions as global warming, exhausting natural resource, governmental corruption, human rights and rich-poor gap and the way corporations are messed up with all these problems. The film is challenging not only because it uses innovative approach comparing corporations to individuals, but also because it gives new perspective on the problem with corporation. Filmmakers tell a story of corporations and show how they became so powerful and mighty that even can influence lives of people all over the world. They show dirty tricks used by these corporations and point out the possible consequences if the situation develops in this direction. à It is hard to believe in the impartial attitude of the filmmakers but in our age of globalization where corporation control economy, politics and even minds of people any chance should be used in order to bring truth to people and filmmakers do their best in order to use it. What I really liked about the movie was a combination of different ways to influence the audience. Filmmakers combine data and statistics, which give food for thoughts with the emotional appeal to people, who watch the movie. Such a combination is more likely to target hearts and minds of people and these means that the authors will be successful in passing their message to the audience. Bibliography ARCHBAR, M.,à ABBOTT, J. (2004) à The Corporation. Big Picture Media. The CORPORATION OFFICIAL WEBSITE htt
Thursday, November 7, 2019
10 Ways to Promote Self-Directed Classroom
10 Ways to Promote Self-Directed Classroom Effective elementary teachers promote a self-directed classroom so that their students know if they cannot solve a problem or figure out an answer then they will have the tools to do it themselves. Here are 10 tips to help you promote a classroom where your students are self-reliant, as well as self-confident and feel that they can do anything on their own. Promote an ââ¬Å"I Canâ⬠Attitude Teaching your students how to overcome disappointment is one of the best lessons that you can ever teach them in their life. When students face disappointment, teach them to analyze it and look at the big picture. Teach them to talk about how it feels so that they can move past it. Instilling an ââ¬Å"I canâ⬠attitude will help them know and understand that they can do anything. Allow Student to Fail Failing is usually never an option in school. However, in todayââ¬â¢s society, it just may be the answer to getting our children to be independent. When a student is practicing balancing on a beam or they are in a yoga position and they fall down, donââ¬â¢t they usually get back up and try one more time, or until they get it? When a child is playing a video game and their character dies, donââ¬â¢t they keep playing until they get to the end? Failure can be the pathway to something much bigger. As teachers, we can give students room to fail, and allow them to learn to pick themselves up and give it another try. Give your students a chance to make a mistake, allow them to struggle and let them know that it is okay to fail just as long as they get back up and try again. Study Leaders and Role Models Take time out of your busy curriculum to study leaders and role models who persevered. Study people like Bethany Hamilton who got her arm bitten off in a shark attack, but continued to compete in surfing competitions. Find a real-world example of perseverance that will help your students understand that people fail and go through hard times, but if they pick themselves up and try again, they can do anything. Get Students to Believe in Themselves Give students positive affirmations that they can do anything they put their mind to. Letââ¬â¢s say that one of your students is failing one of their subjects. Instead of telling them that thereââ¬â¢s a chance that they will fail, build them up and tell them that you know that they can do it. If the student sees that you believe in their abilities, then they will soon believe in themselves too. Teach Students to Pull Themselves Out of a Negative Mindset If you want a classroom where your students are self-directed learners then you must get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are in their head. Teach students to see that their negative thoughts are only holding them back from where they need to be or want to go. So then, the next time your students find themselves in a negative mindset, they will be able to pull themselves out of it all by themselves and be mindful of their actions and thoughts. Give Current and Frequent Feedback Try giving students feedback as soon as possible, this way your words will resonate with them, and they will be more willing to make changes if needed. By giving immediate feedback then your students will have the opportunity to implement your suggestions right away and make the changes they need in order to be a self-directed learner. Bolster Students Confidence Bolster your studentsââ¬â¢ confidence by discussing their strengths and their abilities with them. Find something about each and every student that you can celebrate, this will help boost their confidence. Confidence building is a known way to increase studentsââ¬â¢ self-assurance and make them feel more independent. Isnââ¬â¢t that what a self-directed learner is? Teach Students How to Manage their Goals In order to promote a self-directed classroom where students are self-reliant then you must teach them how to manage their own goals. You can begin by helping students set small, achievable goals that can be achieved fairly quickly. This will help them understand the process of setting and achieving a goal. Once students grasp this concept, then you can have them set more long term goals. Learn Something New Together To help cultivate a classroom where students learn independence then try learning something new together as a class. Students will learn by observing the way you learn. They will watch you learn through your techniques, which will help them get ideas on how they can do it on their own. Give Your Students a Voice Your classroom should set the stage for students to feel comfortable enough to have a voice. Make your classroom environment a place where students are free to speak their minds. This will not only make them feel more empowered, but also help them feel like they are part of a classroom community, which will help bolster their self-confidence, and in turn, help them become more independent learners.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
MASH TV Show Premiers
MASH TV Show Premiers MASH was an extremely popular TV series, which first aired on CBS on September 17, 1972. Based on the real experiences of a surgeon in the Korean War, the series centered upon the interrelationships, stresses, and trauma involved in being in a MASH unit. MASHs final episode, which aired on February 28, 1983, had the largest audience of any single TV episode in U.S. history. The Book and Movie The concept of the MASH storyline was thought up by Dr. Richard Hornberger. Under the pseudonym Richard Hooker, Dr. Hornberger wrote the book MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors (1968), which was based on his own experiences as a surgeon in the Korean War. In 1970, the book was turned into a movie, also called MASH, which was directed by Robert Altman and starred Donald Sutherland as Hawkeye Pierce and Elliot Gould as Trapper John McIntyre. The MASH TV Show With nearly an entirely new cast, the same MASH characters from the book and movie first appeared on television screens in 1972. This time, Alan Alda played Hawkeye Pierce and Wayne Rogers played Trapper John McIntyre. Rogers, however, didnt like playing a sidekick and left the show at the end of season three. Viewers found out about this change in episode one of season four, when Hawkeye comes back from RR only to discover that Trapper was discharged while he was away; Hawkeye just misses being able to say goodbye. Season four through eleven presented Hawkeye and B.J. Hunnicut (played by Mike Farrell) as being close friends. Another surprising character change also occurred at the end of season three. Lt. Col. Henry Blake (played by McLean Stevenson), who was the head of the MASH unit, gets discharged. After saying a tearful goodbye to the other characters, Blake climbs into a helicopter and flies off. Then, in a surprising turn of events, Radar reports that Blake was shot down over the Sea of Japan. At the beginning of season four, Col. Sherman Potter (played by Harry Morgan) replaced Blake as head of the unit. Other memorable characters included Margaret Hot Lips Houlihan (Loretta Swit), Maxwell Q. Klinger (Jamie Farr), Charles Emerson Winchester III (David Ogden Stiers), Father Mulcahy (William Christopher), and Walter Radar OReilly (Gary Burghoff). The Plot The general plot of MASH revolves around army doctors who are stationed at the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) of the United States Army, located in the village of Uijeongbu, just north of Seoul in South Korea, during the Korean War. Most of the episodes of the MASH television series ran for half an hour and had multiple story lines, often with one being humorous and another being serious. The Final MASH Show Although the real Korean War ran only three years (1950-1953), the MASH series ran for eleven (1972-1983). The MASH show ended at the end of its eleventh season.à Goodbye, Farewell and Amen, the 256th episode aired on February 28, 1983,à showcasing the last days of the Korean War with all the characters going their separate ways. The night it aired, 77 percent of American TV viewers watched the two-and-a-half-hour special, which was the largest audience to ever watch a single episode of a television show. AfterMASH Not wantingà MASHà to end, the three actors who played Colonel Potter, Sergeant Klinger, and Father Mulcahy created a spinoff calledà AfterMASH. First airing on September 26, 1983, this half-hour spinoff television show featured these three MASHà characters reuniting after the Korean War at a veterans hospital. Despite starting off strong in its first season,à AfterMASHsà popularity dumped after beingà moved to a different time slot during its second season, airing opposite the very popular showà The A-Team. The show was ultimately cancelled just nine episodes into its second season. A spinoff for Radar calledà W*A*L*T*E*Rà was also considered in July 1984 but was never picked up for a series.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Communication Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Communication Theories - Essay Example pace of modern technology and the era of globalization, media is now more encompassing as to include the various social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. Social networking has a great impact in the lives of people all over the world today. Communication has become easier and more convenient. Since media ecology studies the interaction between people and the modes of communication as facilitated by modern technology, one can clearly see its impact on the different social networking sites. It looks into the development of human relationships among the people who use the social networking sites. It is through the social networking sites where people of different culture relate with each other sans geographical boundaries. Media ecology has influenced social networking sites which have developed its own unique language, acronyms and symbols. One foresees media ecology to further intensify its role in the rapid growth of social networking
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